Thursday, February 3, 2011

Too many. Just too many.

Never have I imagined I would be this enraged at a country before.

See, the one and only problem with Bangalore, and most parts of India, for that matter, is
The reason for that is, obviously enough, due to

It's a vicious circle. A terrible one that eats away at this country.
I'll tell you how.

When questioned as to why most families want lots of children, you get the usual answers.
  -it's been that way for generations
  -fertility equals to wealth
  -more children to support you when you get old
  -a big family is a happy family
  -to make relatives jealous
  -ensuring continuity of the bloodline
  -where else am i supposed to ejaculate?
  -religion says so
  -probability of survival for children in poor areas is roughly 2/3

  -and others which i cant remember off the top of my head right now

So, first point. It's been that way for generations. I dont want to disappoint my great great great grandfathers.
To this, i say: What the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT?
You really think that the quality of life then and now is the same? Thanks to science, the bar for life quality has been upped every second. Reasons being mutations in disease causing pathogens, pollution everywhere, overpopulation of the country, radioactive shit causing shit in your body and so much other shit. You can't expect to make it through in the present living just the way your ancestors did back then. You just can't.

Secondly, fertility means wealth.
Yeah, wealth, if you believe that each and every sperm that you have in your saggy balls equals to Rupees. That's one of the problems in the average Indian's mentality - you don't think of what happens in the long run. You don't think of the lacs of Rupees you have to spend to feed your childrens (retarded redundancy intended), put your childrens through a good education, buy stuff for your sons who don't want to find a proper job and for your daughters who can't be someone's wife because the dowry is too goddamn high. You people don't think.

Next, having more children will ensure that we will be treated well when we are old.
No, you fucking imbecile. No. Most of your beloved children will move away to the city to find better jobs and conveniently forget to send money back home. With more children, each one of them will want to put the responsibility of taking care of their parents on the other. Your best bet is to have at max two children so that when the idiot one runs away, the other will be forced to look after you.

Big family is happy family.
I'm disgusted at this naïveness. Just like increasing the number of particles in a container will increase the incidence of collision, a bigger number of members in the family will increase the prevalence of fights and misunderstandings. You really think that people love their blood relatives so much that when consumed by anger, no harm will come? You suck. You seriously suck.

But we must make our relatives jealous..
Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK you. That's all that I have to say.

Ensuring continuity of the bloodline?
Who the fuck do you think you are? Are you some kind of prophet? Does your blood have shiny oxygen-carrying diamonds instead of globular proteins? If your faces were so awesome that even Michelangelo have had dreams of sculpting it, I would agree with this point. But no. Your face is as awful. As awful as.. yes, you guessed right.. fuck.

Then where else am I supposed to shoot this icky stuff when I'm having happy happy feeling?
I blame this one on the authorities in charge of family planning awareness.

But my religion tells me to have lots of babies..
Tell you what. If you could do all the other stuff that religion tells you to do, every single one that is directed in your Holy Scriptures and Holy Books, then you go on and make lotsa babies. You don't deserve to fuck if you don't make that happen.

The probability of survival in this poor area is very low. So out of my 6 children, only 3 or 4 will be able to take care of me.
This is where the vicious circle comes. The living conditions in certain slums are so fucking poor that you would be literally go through shit everyday. This unhygienic state give families a reason to have more children so that more would survive. Twisted, yeah. And as I have stated above, more children would mean more spending. And more spending would mean poorer families. Poorer families would lead to even more fucked up conditions to live in. The government ain't doing much about it. And the slum dwellers can't find proper jobs because well, they're from the slums.

Which reminds me. This caste system should have ended right before it was started.
Because it sucks big time.

So, to all Indians, I would like to leave one advice. An advice so powerful that it could bring joyous wealth and luxury to your beloved country.
