Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Loving this place?

First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating this blog often. It’s not because I have a lot of work to do (which I do have, really), but it’s because I don’t really know how to express my thoughts. I gotta admit, I’m not much of a writer. More of a thinker. Which is why, the only audience that listens to me everyday is myself.

I know, it sounds pathetic.

So, where were we?

Oh, yes. The people.

Since my last post was a tad too much on the negativity of things, this post is about… no, wait. That’d be a spoiler - and I hate spoilers. Please, continue reading.

The more time I spend living among the people of Bangalore, the more I try to understand them. Their struggles, their joys, and their love for this country. It’s admirable. I cannot lie to myself and say that I fully comprehend how they feel. I have no idea how it feels like to grow up in a developing country. Just the mere absence of a cartoon channel to look forward to watching after a day’s hard work at school back in the days might rip the sanity from me. I was spoiled.

It’s things like these, or, should I say, it’s the absence of things like these that make the people of India grow up to make a name for themselves. There are so many great achievements obtained by them. I don’t need to give a list. You do the research yourself.

Sadly, it is my humble opinion that they are now not trying as hard as they did before. Most of them have forgotten to continue to push forward. Try to prove me wrong. I reckon that if they had not paused their efforts or taken development lightly, they would have reached the same level as the leading countries of today. It might be their education system. Might be the way their republic government handles things. Might be their mentality, and the pools of piss on the walls. Might be all three of them, or more. Who knows?

But one thing’s definite. The beadledom is not working. And until the circuitry is fixed, the system will continue to BSOD itself, damage its internal components, and finally combust due to an electrical leak. I pray hard that that fiasco will not happen.

Oh, here is a thread created by a user, allegedly an Indian him/herself, complaining about India.


And please do read this neat post on healing India back.


I’ll leave you at that.

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